>b's weblog

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NSU und Verfassungsschutz und kein Ende“AfD”: Das Oppositions-Fake – Alice Weidel verlässt den Bankenplatz Schweiz

Das Sequoia-PGP-Team hat sein erstes Release veröffentlicht

On October 16, 2017, we made the first commit to the Sequoia repository. Just over a year and a thousand commits later, Sequoia’s low-level API is nearly feature complete, and is already usable. For instance, a port of the p≡p engine to Sequoia is almost finished, and the code is significantly simpler than the version using the current OpenPGP library. We’ve also made experimental ports of other software that use OpenPGP, and written some new software to further validate the completeness and ergonomics of the API.

Gratulation an Justus, Kai und Neal! Sequoia-PGP gibt's hier.