Noam Chomsky, Slavoj Zizek, Brian Eno und weitere fordern Equador auf, Julian Assange wieder Netzzugang zu gewähren
If it was ever clear that the case of Julian Assange was never just a legal case, but a struggle for the protection of basic human rights, it is now.
Falls es je unklar gewesen sein sollte, ob der Fall Julian Assange nur ein Rechtsfall oder aber der Kampf um den Schutz von grundlegenden Menschenrechten gewesen ist, dann ist das spätestens jetzt klar geworden.
(via telesur)
Die Unterzeichner sind:
Pamela Anderson, actress and activist
Jacob Appelbaum, freelance journalist
Renata Avila, International Human Rights Lawyer
Sally Burch, British/Ecuadorian journalist
Alicia Castro, Argentina’s ambassador to the United Kingdom 2012-16
Naomi Colvin, Courage Foundation
Noam Chomsky, linguist, and political theorist
Brian Eno, musician
Joseph Farrell, WikiLeaks Ambassador and board member of The Centre for Investigative Journalism
Teresa Forcades, Benedictine nun, Montserrat Monastery
Chris Hedges, journalist
Srećko Horvat, philosopher, Democracy in Europe Movement (DiEM25)
Jean Michel Jarre, musician
John Kiriakou, former CIA counterterrorism officer, and former senior investigator, U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Lauri Love, computer scientist, and activist
Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst, Presidential advisor
John Pilger, journalist, and film-maker
Angela Richter, theater director, Germany
Saskia Sassen, sociologist, Columbia University
Oliver Stone, film-maker
Vaughan Smith, English journalist
Yanis Varoufakis, economist, former Greek finance minister
Natalia Viana, investigative journalist and co-director of Agencia Publica, Brazil
Vivienne Westwood, fashion designer, and activist
Slavoj Zizek, philosopher, Birkbeck Institute for Humanities