>b's weblog

News. Journal. Whatever.

Wie die USA Druck auf Schweden ausübten, um The Pirate Bay zu schliessenWaffen für ISIS: USA verletzten mit Weitergabe EU-Regeln

Women, Whistleblowing, WikiLeaks

It’s been striking to me that, in my years of working in the world of digital activism, from WikiLeaks to a diverse range of internet groups, women are active and hold important positions, yet are seldom prominent. This is not because women lack the assertiveness to occupy a role in the foreground, as is so often claimed with a certain paternalism. It stems, in part, from the unwillingness of mainstream media to appreciate and fairly report the role of women … How else can one explain the description in the German weekly Der Spiegel’s (to just take one prominent example) of Sarah Harrison after her return to Europe from Moscow [where she had accompanied Edward Snowden on his escape from Hong Kong] as an ‘assistant’ or ‘friend’ of Assange, instead of describing her as a brave, independent journalist?

Angela Richter, from the Introduction

Das Buch von Renata Avila, Sarah Harrison und Angela Richter gibt's hier.