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Frankreich wird in einen Polizeistaat umgewandelt

Ein entsprechendes Gesetz wurde kürzlich verabschiedet. Daraus:

  • Article 13 renders permanent a provisional measure introduced in the anti-terrorism legislation of 2006, extended in 2008 and 2012, and valid until 31 December 2015 (there was no urgent security need to legislate it). Not only will it be made permanent, its nature and scope are also significantly extended.

  • Before, the authorities were allowed to collect connection data. Now authorities may request the live capturing of data and digital documents from both Internet Service Providers and hosting services.

  • The type of information that may be captured and requested would include all data and documents treated or saved by these entities' networks or services.

  • The agencies that are allowed to request this type of information would be extended beyond those directly concerned with National Defense and Security to include, for instance, the Department of Economy and Finance.

  • The goals of the surveillance will be extended to include any information related to scientific and economic potential of France, or the fight against criminality.

  • Finally, not only will the judiciary be simply bypassed, but the only measure of control, let to the National Commission of Control of Electronic Surveillance, will only be to emit a (secret) "recommendation" to the Prime Minister, a process that carries with it no weight whatsoever.

(Quelle: La Quadrature du Net)

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