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Der Pegida-Deutschnationale. Ein schwacher Bückling.Der ehemalige Parteichef der konservativen Partei ÖVP in Kärnten, Josef Martinz, wurde zu einer fünfeinhalbjährigen Haftstrafe verurteilt.

Why the Laura Poitras case is bigger than you think

After all, who could resist the story of a bitter and burned federal government hounding a journalist who appeared to have crossed some unspoken line? More than 50 times between 2006 and 2012, her lawsuit alleges, security forces targeted the journalist for intense rounds of detention and questioning. Government officials had, at one point, even confiscated her laptop, cellphone, and notebooks. Poitras’ films had largely focused on the rotten fruits of post-9/11 America, both at home and abroad.

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