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Frohe Weihnachten von Facebook!Frankreich: Am Existenzminimum nach vier Jahrzehnten Knochenarbeit

Frohe Weihnachten von Amazon: Echo Show 5 im Test – Allround-Alexa mit Display

Amazon Echo Show 5

Alexa reagiert gewohnt zuverlässigꜛ


  • Nur zwei Mikrofone


In addition to being surveillance devices, telescreens are also televisions (hence the name). They broadcast propaganda about Oceania's military victories, economic production figures, spirited renditions of the national anthem to heighten patriotism, and Two Minutes Hate, which is a two-minute film of Emmanuel Goldstein's wishes for freedom of speech and press, which the citizens have been trained to disagree with through doublethink. Many of the telescreen programmes are transmitted in Newspeak.