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pyPEG releasedpyPEG is now thread-safe

pyPEG updated to 0.24

pyPEG does a good job already in finding syntax errors and assigning them to the right line.

But pyPEG only is a parser - of course, you'll write a backend reading pyAST, if you're using pyPEG. And then you may want to assign line numbers in the source file to errors and warnings, too, which you're generating. For that case you need to know which object in the pyAST is where in the source text.

For that case, there now is the functionality to optionally attach a character number to each parsed symbol into the pyAST. The parse() and the parseLine() functions have just one parameter more now.

You can find the newest version on the pyPEG homepage

publiziert Thu, 29 Jan 2009 11:36:38 +0100

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