Rapid IO Toolkit published

I'm proud on Alexander Bernauer, who now published RIOT. RIOT is a C++ framework for scalable and efficient applications running on hardware with parallel CPU and I/O ressources. Hereby efficient means that CPU and I/O ressources never go idle while there is work waiting to be scheduled. And scalable means that proportionally there is almost no administration overhead, so that doubling the hardware resources almost doubles the maximum throughput. Alex developed RIOT under my lead at logix-tt. RIOT is Free Software - it's under the GNU General Public License 2.0. If you want to use RIOT in commercial applications, please contact me!

You can find a speech on RIOT at the Chaos-Seminar of CCC Ulm.

serial 1228545382 of Sat, 06 Dec 2008 07:36:22 +0100

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