>b's weblog

News. Journal. Whatever.

Rassistische Mobilisierungen & PogromeDas lief gut für Hillary Clinton in Kalifornien: “Broken machines, incomplete voter rolls leave some wondering whether their ballots will count”

Letsencrypt leakt massenhaft E-Mail-Adressen

Den Bericht gibt's hier.

On June 11 2016 (UTC), we started sending an email to all active subscribers who provided an email address, informing them of an update to our subscriber agreement. This was done via an automated system which contained a bug that mistakenly prepended between 0 and 7,618 other email addresses to the body of the email. The result was that recipients could see the email addresses of other recipients. The problem was noticed and the system was stopped after 7,618 out of approximately 383,000 emails (1.9%) were sent. Each email mistakenly contained the email addresses from the emails sent prior to it, so earlier emails contained fewer addresses than later ones.

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