>b's weblog

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Steuern, Renten, FraPort. Ein Jahr Syriza-Regierung: Die Stimmung in Griechenland ist explosivProtonMail war's nicht – Dieser Artikel im Intercept ist eine Ente

ProtonMail did it not – This article in the Intercept is a canard

How a Small Company in Switzerland Is Fighting a Surveillance Law — And Winning

[…] By gathering its users and teaming up with political groups including the Green and Pirate parties, as well as technological and privacy advocates including Chaos Computer Club Switzerland and Digitale Gesellschaft Switzerland, ProtonMail was able to collect over 70,000 signatures before the deadline.

ProtonMail did not do that. The whole thing was driven by a consortium you can find under https://www.nachrichtendienstgesetz.ch/ – set up by:

It's nice to notice that ProtonMail was supportive. But it wasn't even involved in the action officially. Either journalist Jenna McLaughlin did mess things up, or ProtonMail's PR department is going berserk.

Special thanks are going to the JuSos, who collected a notable amount of signatures, and to the Green Party. I'm happy to see different parties to act in concert.

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