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04:29 < sd_> ok, guess it's that time of year again
04:42 -!- mode/#phrack [+o sd_] by yokai
04:43 <@yokai> x86-64 SPECIFIC/
04:43 <@yokai> ?
04:43 <@sd_> never needed x32
04:43 <@sd_> coz it was like
04:43 <@yokai> was wondering more if it appied on arm/mips
04:43 <@sd_> if its x32 bogs, it was like billion years old and
    unpatched w/ old bugs
04:43 < df> hoi sd_ :>
04:43 <@sd_> yea, mips works too
04:43 <@yokai> or more exotic archs like st20
04:43 <@yokai> ah sick.
04:43 <@sd_> as long perf support is enabled
04:43 <@sd_> you get one (!) kernel increment
04:44 <@sd_> pretty tough shit
04:44 <@sd_> https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/2441281/
04:44 <@sd_> this is the kill log :(
04:44 <@yokai> perf and 2.3.36 with backportd patches i think - hope
    i am not wrong about the backporting. i will know once i analyze
    the raw image fump
04:44 <@yokai> dump :)
04:45 <@yokai> hah
04:45 <@yokai> ok that is pretty silly of them
04:45 < df> :)
04:45 <@yokai> anyhow, bbl, just got a trace32 hw piece today,
    pretty sick ;>
04:46 -!- serdergr [webchat@nemesisjo1-mgmt.net.ecu.edu.au] has
    joined #phrack
04:48 <@yokai> yeah it seems ST went out of their way to enalbe perf
    in their stlinux build and they backport patches
04:48 <@yokai> luv it

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