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Deutschland auf Aufholjagd (II)Wenn Patientendaten weitergereicht werden

Die ACLU klagt in den USA auf Herausgabe von Informationen über die Anwendung von Gesichtserkennungssystemen durch das FBI

  1. Among other things, the Request sought:

    1. Policy directives, guidance documents, legal memoranda, policy memoranda, and training materials concerning the use of face recognition, gait recognition, or voice recognition technology;

    2. Agreements, memoranda of agreement, and memoranda of understanding pertaining to any face recognition, gait recognition, or voice recognition program, including such records concerning the sharing, searching of, or granting access to face or voice recognition systems maintained by state or local agencies;

    3. Records relating to inquiries to companies, solicitations from companies, or meetings with companies about the purchase, piloting, or testing of face recognition, gait recognition, or voice recognition technology and related software and services, including purchase orders, RFPs, licensing agreements, documentation of selection, and contracts;

    4. Records related to any audits of face, voice, and gait recognition system, and records reflecting the system requirements for the accuracy of such systems; and

    5. Records relating to the number of face, voice, and gait recognition searches conducted by the relevant agency, and records reflecting how many times the use of such technology has contributed to any arrests.

  2. DOJ has not responded to the Request.

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