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Sieht wohl nicht so gut aus mit der Krypto von iMessage

iMessage encryption does not conform to best cryptographic practices and generally seems ad hoc. The protocol (see Figure 1) insecurely composes a collection of secure primitives, including RSA, AES and ECDSA. Most critically, iMessage does not use a proper authenticated symmetric encryption algorithm and instead relies on a digital signature to prevent tampering. Unfortunately it is well known that in the multi-user setting this approach may not be sound. In the following sections, we show that an on-path attacker can replace the signature on a given message with that of another party. This vulnerability gives rise to a practical chosen ciphertext attack that recovers the full contents of some messages.

Tja. Das Paper gibt's hier. Kryptografie ist halt nur sicher, wenn man auch sichere Kryptoprotokolle fährt. Dass Apple hier selbst etwas erfindet, ist augenscheinlich keine gute Idee.

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