Fix Procedure 3. Copy the 5 files associated with that serial number to the LP directory. mkdir /current/fix cp /FairVaultFixOp.tgz /current/fix cd /current/fix; tar xvjf FairVaultFixOp.tgz # All the needed files will be in /current/fix/FairVault 4. Connect to the implant with BananaLiar 5. Load and activate the BananaBallot Bios Module (biosModule_AM29LV040 in the menu) 6. Enter the Bios Module menu 7. Read 81920 bytes from address 9006c000. A file of that size should be created in a subdirectory named with the target IP address (probably the loopback address). Perform a sha1sum on that file and compare it with the sha1sum of the badua_XXX.bin file. They should match 8. Write the uaXXX_9006c000.bin file to address 9006c000 9. Read back 81920 bytes from address 9006c000. Compare the sha1sum of the file you wrote to the one you read back to ensure the write worked properly. If they don't match repeat steps 8+9. 10. All done. Cleanup as appropriate. The values you wrote wont take effect until the next reboot, but no beaconing will occur till then in any case. Make sure to only use Hex values for read sizes, not decimel Alternative to steps 7-9. If reading/writing an 82K file is a problem because of network bandwidth constraints, you can instead read/write the two smaller files. Just as with the larger file, read again after writing to confirm the expected data was written. The file's names contain the addresses they should be written to.