14:31:07 [/current/bin/FW/BARGLEE3100/Install/LP]# ./BICE-3110 --rport 2300 --rip --cdip CALLBACKIP --cdport RHP --mode telnet --dat /current/bin/FW/BARGLEE3100/Dats/ns50ns25.5.0.0r9.0.xml --username netscreen --password netscreen System Info: Product NS50 SN XXXXXXXXXX SW Ver 5.0.0r9.0 Last Saved OS ns50ns25.5.0.0r9.0 CLI Prompt NSC-50_A-> Up time 642 hours 58 minutes 11 seconds Checksum 9EA94FCB RAM Not Specified Console Timeout 0(minute) Dat file specified: /current/bin/FW/BARGLEE3100/Dats/ns50ns25.5.0.0r9.0.xml Cksum of Clean OS: 9EA94FCB Open Interactive Console Session (y/n)? n Do you want to proceed; the BI shell will now be installed (y/n)? y Uploading BI shell [22852 bytes sent; 42320 bytes received] BI shell is ready. Pass execution to it? [y/n] y Received callback from ******************************************************************************** SELECT: [0] Exit. [1] Target status. [2] Uninstall BGlee. [3] Install BarGlee. [4] Read data. [5] Write data. [6] Execute code. Enter selection: 1 The status of the target is: unknown ******************************************************************************** SELECT: [0] Exit. [1] Target status. [2] Uninstall BGlee. [3] Install BarGlee. [4] Read data. [5] Write data. [6] Execute code. Enter selection: 3 Target state undetermined Install anyway? y/n: y Enter file to install: TEST_BG3113_PPC_ns50_IM64ecff96.bin Malloc space, write BG, and activate? [y/n] y Exec returned: 06ba0b00 Exec returned: 00000000 ******************************************************************************** SELECT: [0] Exit. [1] Target status. [2] Uninstall BGlee. [3] Install BarGlee. [4] Read data. [5] Write data. [6] Execute code. Enter selection: 1 The status of the target is: BG3103. ******************************************************************************** SELECT: [0] Exit. [1] Target status. [2] Uninstall BGlee. [3] Install BarGlee. [4] Read data. [5] Write data. [6] Execute code. Enter selection: 0 Confirm exit [y/n]: y Cleaning safe space [22852 bytes sent; 21053 bytes received] Attempt 1 failed. Cleaning safe space [22852 bytes sent; 21053 bytes received] Slowing, and retrying using page_size: 2048 Cleaning safe space [38760 bytes sent; 76234 bytes received] Attempt 2 failed. Cleaning safe space [38760 bytes sent; 76234 bytes received] Slowing, and retrying using page_size: 1024 Cleaning safe space [61684 bytes sent; 120510 bytes received] Succeeded BARICE done