>b's weblog

News. Journal. Whatever.

Der Drohnenkrieg der USA verstößt gegen das Friedensgebot des Grundgesetzes und gegen das VölkerrechtBehörden, die einer Organisation wie Attac die Förderung aberkennen, handeln an der Realität und am Gesetz vorbei

Jakes Antwort auf die Anschuldigungen

In the past few days, a calculated and targeted attack has been launched to spread vicious and spurious allegations against me. Given the way these accusations have been handled, I had little choice but to resign from my position as an advocate at the Tor Project and devote my full attention to completing my doctoral work on cryptography at the Technical University of Eindhoven. […]

I want to be clear: the accusations of criminal sexual misconduct against me are entirely false.

Die Stellungnahme gibt's hier.

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